Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet, World Heritage

Updated on March 25, 2017

March 25, 2017
>Mediterranean Diet is World Heritage and we continue fighting against trans fats
Posted by Updated on March 25, 2017

Recently, the Spanish Government has asked the rest of the countries of the European Union to support the request that Mediterranean Diet should be declared by UNESCO World Heritage.

The undeniable benefits of the Mediterranean Diet are well known by most of the people, specially by the USA citizens’. We have to recognize that the concept was not only discovered but also launched by this great nation.

The Mediterranean Diet is not only food. It is a philosophy and a way of life. Daily exercise, respect for the Environment, love for the traditions, and search of the roots of the good food intake.

We have to fight the potentially dangerous food. The Mediterranean Diet does not ban any food except the artificial ones. The most important thing is to keep the proportions in our diet and to accommodate it to the characteristics of every person. If we have health problems, it should be the doctor who had to give us guidance.

We are having problems for telling people to avoid trans fats. They are present in many manufactured foods. We suggest everybody to read the labels and to avoid the ones containing hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats.

The trans fats also appear if you want to reuse any type of natural fats or oils. The more you reuse them, the higher proportion of trans fat you’ll have in your pan.

It is our intention to continue promoting the Mediterranean Diet and following our crusade against the trans fats, in spite of the difficulties we may encounter.

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