Mediterranean Diet

The Candida Diet

Updated on March 25, 2017

March 25, 2017
It is a big mistake to think that that there is a Candida diet. It is a dangerous disease
Posted by Updated on March 25, 2017

Athlete’s foot. To combat it there is a Candida diet

It is a big mistake to consider that Candida is a diet. There is not candida diet. Actually it is a very dangerous disease

What is Candida?

Many people suffer from Candida but do not know it. It has been an unknown infection until recent years and it is very difficult to diagnose. In simple terms, the cause of the disease is having a abnormal development of a type of fungus or yeast everybody has in the gut called Candida Albicans. If you do not treat it, it may ruin your life. It is called thrush when it develops in the mouth, more frequently in babies.

This yeast grows due to that some others beneficial bacteria that control the Candida Albicans are destroyed by antibiotics or because your immune system is weakened. Normally, the good bacteria is 85% and the Candida, 15%. When this proportion alters, the second one multiply very quickly. It can cross the intestinal tract and enter in the blood stream. From there, it can expand everywhere inside your body.

In your guts, the fungus colony increase the acidity of the intestine, not allowing the synthesis and absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Some people can also develop an strong allergy to the Candida Albicans.

The symptoms consists generally of giddiness, nausea, feeling of motion sickness, fatigue, depression, poor memory, irritability etc… generally associated with acid reflux, abdominal gas, headaches, migraines, anxiety, acne, eczema, inflammation of the skin, infections of the fingernails and toenails, athlete’s foot and many other problems.

If you suspect you are infected with Candida Albicans, go immediately to a doctor. Do not try to cure it with a self designed diet or recommendations collected in Internet or in any other source of information. Normally the doctor will prescribe a treatment according with your specific situation and a candida diet that normally will ban you sugar, sugary fruits, cookies, desserts and chocolates, gluten, caffeinated drinks, and moldy nuts.

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