Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean food list

Updated on March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017
Mediterranean food list must contain real not manufactured food
Posted by Updated on March 14, 2017

A lady with her mediterranean food list, at the fruit stand

You should make your mediterranean food list following the main guidelines of the Mediterranean Diet, which are:

Olive Oil (Virgin or Extra virgin)
Lots of vegetables and fruits
Whole cereals
Fish (sardines, fresh anchovies, herring, etc…. better small than big fish)
Some meat (one or two servings per week)
Dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt…)
Moderate amounts of wine, especially red, or beer.

From time to time, in special occasions, homemade sweets.

Every person is different and have different needs. So we are not going to recommend any specific amount of food.

  1. Cereals. Pasta, rice and bread. You can alternate with potatoes, mainly stewed or boiled.
  2. Fruit and vegetables. The base of the Mediterranean pyramid indicates five servings of fruit and vegetables per day should be taken, corresponding to 175-200 grams of fruit, and between 200 and 250 grams of vegetables.
  3. A glass of milk or two yogurts corresponds to those dairy products with a low-fat content that must be ingested daily.
  4. The equivalent of one or two tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in raw.
  5. Dressings like onion and garlic also raw.
  6. Original diet contains a glass of wine daily for women and two for men, as well as fermented beverages such as beer.

  1. Fish. It is important to consume this type of protein two or three times a week.
  2. Lean meat. This type of meat is for example the chicken or the turkey, so it is advisable to take two servings a week
  3. Eggs. Two to four servings per week.
  1. Red meat. Consumption of red meat should be moderate. One serving per week.
  2. Processed meat. This variety of meat corresponds to sausages, no more than once a week.
  3. Legumes and potatoes. three times a week.

A lady completing her mediterranean food list


We do not recommend following a low calorie diet without medical advice. Every person is different!

If you want to follow the Mediterranean Diet, a quick mediterranean food list could be:

Extra virgin olive oil

Traditional bread (not just integral bread). They are different!

As many vegetables as you can eat

Lots of fruits, specially non caloric ones.

Fish, especially small fatty ones.

From time to time, some meat. Not very often.

Nuts, dried figs, raisins, etc

Eggs, some cheese, some milk

Wine, especially red, or beer.

But get everything natural. Avoid manufactured and food-pretending stuff! Don’t put any of them in your your mediterranean food list.

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