Mediterranean Diet

Broad Beans and Ham

Updated on March 25, 2017

March 25, 2017
Broad Beans and Ham
Posted by Updated on March 25, 2017

An easy dish to be prepared in ten minutes

Broad Beans with ham
#ratingval# from #reviews# reviews
Recipe Type: Main
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 7 mins
Total time: 12 mins
Serves: 1
A healthy and fast lunch.
  1. Cut the ham in dices
  2. Put the oil in the pan
  3. Set the fire on
  4. Add the Serrano ham
  5. Stir-fry for 1 minute
  6. Add the broad beans
  7. Stir and mix for 2 minutes
  8. Reduce the heat
  9. Add the eggs
  10. Wait until the white-of-egg is cooked.
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