Mediterranean Diet

About the willpower

Updated on March 25, 2017

March 25, 2017
Broccoli microwave is a very healthy dish of the Mediterranean Diet
Posted by Updated on March 25, 2017
Child training

It is not easy to maintain the willpower to follow through

Sometimes it’s very difficult to summon the willpower I was talking about yesterday. One day it’s easy. You only need the enough amount of rage or courage to start. It can make you win a race or climb a mountain. But continuing with the same determination day after day it is a really difficult task. Rage or courage is not enough. You need a very powerful reason.

I remember the day I decided to quit smoking. It was many years ago. A friend of mine had died of lung cancer. Some people advised me to do it gradually, but I decided to go cold turkey. I didn’t know how many days it was going to last my strength, but I had decided to fight one day at a time. And sometimes it turned to be an hour at a time struggle. But day after day, and specially night after night (the first ones full of nightmares and night terrors) I have continued a nonsmoker for thirty years.

Luckily, if you decide to control your weight, you don’t need to stop eating. You will have to eat probably the same volume of food, but in this case, adequate and real food. You have to change your nutrition pattern and your habits. If you don’t live alone, you will have to talk it with the rest of the people that use the same kitchen. The reason is that you have to clean your pantry and your refrigerator and throw away everything not considered real food.

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