Mediterranean Diet

No time for Mediterranean Diet?

Posted by updated on February 27, 2017
Updated on February 27th, 2017

If you are a very busy person and have no much time to prepare your food, you can plan your own Mediterranean Diet, combining food intakes at homes with meals outside.

You know that the Mediterranean Diet includes almost any natural food. The only thing that counts are the portions and the proportions.

Eating natural food means avoid unnatural ones. These are hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats (margarines, and margarine compounds, etc), as well as food that have been fried in unknown oils or fats (both with possibilities of plenty trans fats). Sometimes you think it is better a portion of fried chicken in a fast food restaurant than a hamburger, and it may be potentially more dangerous. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) committee declared in 2004 that trans fats are even more harmful than saturated fat. As the same time, Harvard School of Public Health estimates that trans fat has been causing about 50,000 premature heart attack deaths annually only in USA, making partially hydrogenated oil one of the most dangerous products in the food intake.

Moreover, to follow the Mediterranean Diet you have to take into account the food additives. Some of the are good and others are very unsafe, especially at the long term. You have to control them and the only way to do that is getting information. In this blog’s links you will find a excellent site to learn more (Cspinet). You have to learn how to avoid harmful ones and to learn how to interpreter food labels. This is one of the points of the Mediterranean Diet. In origin, this Diet had no artificial additives at all. And we have to fight to maintain the Mediterranean Diet like it was.
If you want to follow the Mediterranean Diet Plan (not for getting slimmer but for living more and better), you have to perform the following actions:

First of all, you have to prepare your pantry and fridge, buying many types of fruits as pineapple, melon, pears, apples, oranges, etc. Buy vegetables as tomatoes, cucumber , celery, garlic, onions (be careful avoiding the last two before dates), frozen fish as unsalted cod, tuna or any other dark meat fish (all of them are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids) or if you prefer, hake and other type of whitefish (less rich in omega or any other fatty acid). Buy cereals and muesli without sugar, canned sardines and tuna in olive or at least in sunflower oil, pasta, olives, normal bread (Why not?). Beware sliced soft bread. Read the label before buying it. Don’t forget chickpeas, eggs, milk (if you are a grown up try to get used to the skimmed one). Get nuts. They are very good for your heart. You may have butter if you cannot get used to the olive oil at breakfast. And of course, take home a couple of Extra Virgin olive oil, the king of the Mediterranean Diet. I have read in many places that the olive oil should be of a certain color (sometimes people say yellow; others, green). Olive oil can be from light yellow to dark green. In both cases, if it extra virgin, it is equally healthy. The type of olive oil is a very personal choice and normally is associated with habits.

With all this products, you can prepare easy dishes of the Mediterranean Diet. Salads, grilled fish with garlic, parsley and olive oil, pasta with canned tuna and a good napolitana sauce. See it is made with olive oil and has no “bad” additives… Or the same combination with boiled rice. Also rice, fried eggs and fried bananas is a delicious meal. Sometimes you can open a can of sardines, an omelet with four or five whites of eggs and a couple of yolks (You can give the others to your dog or throw them away, as the whites are always much cheaper than any other protein food and of better and healthier quality). You can have in your fridge some chicken breast and prepare it grilled with olive oil.

If you have to pack something light to eat at work, take two or three pieces of easy-eating pieces of fruits . Pears and apples can be eaten unpeeled if they are properly washed. From time to time you can have a roll with cured ham or “lomo ibérico” (See picture). This is Mediterranean Diet as well.

When you have your meals in good restaurants, if it is not very often, you can allow order anything you fancy. This will give you a deserved prize and will extinguish you psychological need of eating freely. Choose establishments fond of Mediterranean Diet because they will use proper ingredients.

To complete the Mediterranean Diet, or the Mediterranean Way of Life, do not forget your moderate daily exercise.

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