Mediterranean Diet

One of the most significant recipes of Mediterranean Diet: Paella

Updated on March 25, 2017

March 25, 2017
Paella, or Rice in paella, it is the most popular dish in Spain
Posted by Updated on March 25, 2017

Paella, One of the most significant recipes of Mediterranean Diet.

There is a complementary post about paella here.

The real name is Rice in Paella, that is the name given to the special flat wide frying pan. In Spain it is the most popular dish and its origin is in Valencia region. There are many ways of doing it, according with the personal preferences. All of them follow the Mediterranean Diet pattern. We offer the more classic one, not well accepted by people who dislike escargots.

1,5 dl. Olive oil
1 Kg. Chicken (one)
500 gr. Rabbit
20 units Snails
200 gr Green beans
120 gr Beans (Garrofó)
160 gr. Tomato
400 gr. Rice
8 gr. Spice of red pepper
3 gr Saffron
3 cloves Garlic
2 l Fumet or water
a/p Salt
– Clean and cook the snails.
– Clean and cut the chicken and rabbit into pieces and then season
– Peel and mince the garlic and the tomato.
– Remove the string from the green beans and cut them into pieces.
– Prepare the fumet.
– Cook the beans (garrofó).
– Put the paella (pan) with oil onto the stove.
– Add the chicken and the rabbit and when it goes brown, add the minced garlic and green beans
– Cook it for a while and then add the tomatoes, red pepper and snails.
– Mix it well and add the rice.
• Wet it with water or fumet which has been previously seasoned and perfumed with saffron.
• The amount of water should be double the amount of rice.
– Add the beans (garrofó).
– Cook it at a high temperature at the beginning.
– Test the seasoning and put it in the oven.
– Remove it from the oven when the rice is cooked.
– Allow to stand for five minutes.

The ingredients can be varied and can also vary from a restaurant-made paella to a home-made paella which is similar to the one explained here. The one in the picture was specially ordered with sea food.

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