Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Hummus

Updated on March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017
Mediterranean Hummus is a very popular dish made from chickpeas
Posted by Updated on March 14, 2017

Mediterranean Hummus

Mediterranean Hummus is a very popular dish all over the Mediterranean Basin and Middle Eastern region made out of chickpeas (hummus in Arabic). Other ingredients are tahini (sesame paste), olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and salt.

Ingredients of the Mediterranean Hummus:

• 16 oz of soaked and boiled chickpeas or garbanzo beans
• 2 fluid ounces of the liquid from boiling the chickpeas
• 3-5 tablespoons of natural lemon juice
• 1 ½ -2 tablespoons of tahini
• 2-3 crushed cloves garlic
• 1/2 teaspoon of salt
• 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil

Some people add red pepper powder to the mixture. Others, just sprinkle it later on the dish.

Process of the Mediterranean Hummus:

Soak about 3 ounces of chickpeas during a minimum of 12 hours. Boil them and set aside from boiler. Keep the water. Combine the chickpeas with the rest of the ingredients in blender. Add 2 fluid ounces (about ¼ of cup) of water from chickpeas. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low speed until is properly mixed and get a smooth consistency.

Place in a dish, forming a type of basin with mediterranean hummus, with a shallow well in the center.

Add a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of virgin olive oil in the center of the dish. Sprinkle some red pepper and garnish with parsley (both optional). If you want a low calories hummus, don’t add olive oil and reduce the amount of it you put in the food processor

Serve accompanied with warm or toasted pita bread.

Calories of a cup (8 fluid ounces or 250 grams) of hummus: from 350Kcal (low fat) to 500 Kcal. It is a rather rich food.

Hummus is very healthy. It lowers bad cholesterol, due to the chickpeas. It is very caloric and should be eaten moderately.

Nutrition facts of the mediterranean hummus

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