Posted by updated on February 27, 2017
Updated on February 27th, 2017

Herve This egg

Herve This egg

Molecular gastronomy is a term coined 20 years ago by Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurti and French chemist Hervé This.

The aim of the Molecular gastronomy is to understand the processes that really happen inside our pots, frying pans, ovens and other kitchen devices. and investigates the social, artistic and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena from a scientific point of view. Any person can do molecular gastronomy applying scientific principles to normal cooking.

In the picture, you can see an typical example of the molecular gastronomy, an egg boiled at 65º C (149º Fahrenheit) during 40 minutes. Part of the egg-yolk coagulates getting an special texture. The white of egg remains semifluid.

Consequently, the food production for the Mediterranean Diet needs a physic and chemist support to develop the processes. For instance, one of the most difficult things is to prepare the fish properly. You have to pay attention to many variables. This discipline has been called Molecular Gastronomy, a hook name.


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