Posted by updated on February 27, 2017
Updated on February 27th, 2017

The Mediterranean Sea

A recent survey made in the National Center of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy of Marbella (Spain) has shown that the USA citizens are the most interested in the Mediterranean Diet of the whole world. And a high percentage of them consider this diet to be the best .

Everybody knows that was Dr. Ancel Keys the person who made possible discovering the secrets of the longevity of the Mediterranean people, in special the Cretans . The reasons were – of course – the olive oil, the vegetables, the carbohydrates, the fish and the balance of the food intake. But it was also the frugality, the activity, the daily exercise and the lack of stress what made the Mediterranean Diet the icon of the anti-aging fight. Many other diets try to imitate the original Mediterranean Diet and a few of them are practically equal.

In this blog you can get into the Mediterranean Diet culture and get used to it informally, that it is the best way to acquire cultures. You have to take pleasure in a diet and not to suffer a diet. Most people know that the Mediterranean Diet is the best in world, but not many are aware that it is also the most amusing one.

Don’t follow the Mediterranean Diet. Enjoy it!

Mediterranean Diet helps people live longer, healthier and without any doubt, happier lives.


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